HELMIFAST 780 TURBO is a sprayable foam bonding adhesive designed to form immediate bonds in foam, mattress and upholstered furniture assembly applications. Used as a one-component adhesive, HELMIFAST 780 TURBO exhibits great performance in standard foam assembly applications. With a simple flick of a switch, transform HELMIFAST 780 TURBO instantly into a super aggressive, high performance, two-component foam bonding adhesive for high stress applications.
✓ Fast tacking, with excellent immediate strength; ideal for most foam & upholstery
assembly applications
✓ Immediate, aggressive, permanent bonds available for high stress applications
when used with ACTIVATOR 7
✓ High Heat Resistance
✓ Soft glue line
✓ Environmentally friendly, Solvent-Free, Zero VOC Formulation
Product Data Sheet (E)
Safety Data Sheet (E)
Safety Data Sheet (F)